Case Study Case Study Super Stitch Inc. - OneScreen

Founded in 1983, Super Stitch Inc. has been providing sewing classes for women in North East, Pennsylvania for over 30 years. Recently, they decided to offer remote sewing training via real time, interactive video conferencing. This way, Super Stitch could reach more people from all walks of life, who are interested in sewing & embroidering, whether for fun or for business and set themselves apart from competition by upgrading the way they trained customers.
Super Stitch provides applications and software to complement their sewing machines. This means their clients need to be trained on how to use them. Since the company’s customers are not computer proficient, they required thorough training followed by consistent and ongoing support. Super Stitch also conducts training on sewing techniques and embroidering. These skills require close and careful instructions that are crucial to be understood and followed in a precise manner.
At first, the company used a computer and projector to make presentations and train clients. This may have been satisfactory for some, but others were not able to receive adequate interactive training through this means. While the company sought to educate and excite their customers, many found it difficult to follow instructions and ended up unmotivated and frustrated.
Company management sought to create an interactive, engaging learning experience for their customers and the current resources just didn’t cut it.
The company looked to employ a smartboard with video conferencing in their training sessions in order to boost the quality of their classes. OneScreen provided them with not just the features that they were looking for, but also the efficient support required to make the transition a smooth and successful one.
In search of an interactive video and smartboard solution to enhance the training services Super Stitch welcomed a free live presentation from OneScreen, and realized that it was an all-in-one solution to the challenges they had been facing.
Equipped with state-of-the-art software, OneScreen provides users with advanced options such as annotation, video recording, and multi-way sharing. These features were just what Super Stitch needed to bring life into their training and support sessions. After receiving all the information they required, the company management decided to rely on OneScreen to build out their customer training services.
Super Stitch experienced a profound change in their teaching operations after the deployment of OneScreen. They are now able to administer training sessions that ensure client confidence in the product and hands-on knowledge of its usage. Trainers are able to present information and support in a clear, interactive, and interesting way, creating a well-rounded learning process for their customers.
Super Stitch completely resolved the issues they faced with customer satisfaction and product education, with the purchase of OneScreen. Training sessions now run smoothly and effortlessly, resulting in satisfied clients, with growing excitement to learn more.
Now, even Super Stitch customers are impressed by the capabilities of OneScreen. They find it easier to interact with and learn from, bringing their practical knowledge to a whole new level. Moreover, Super Stitch personnel are confident that OneScreen Screen Skills Guru support is always available to guide users to discover more features, as they grow accustomed to the interactive teaching experience.
"I plan to use OneScreen to set up interactive sewing sessions for easier and more effective training."

"We love the Screen Skills Guru team. There hasn’t been a time when they weren’t there to help out with our questions."