Case Study OneScreen & Rising Sun

Rising Sun provides services to children and young adults with special needs with a variety of issues, including but not limited to autism, ADHD, cerebral palsy, and more.
Executive Summary
Rising Sun provides services to children and young adults with special needs with a variety of issues, including but not limited to autism, ADHD, cerebral palsy, and more. Therapists and teachers work together to provide the necessary therapy and education so that each child may fulfill their own potential. It also works with local schools to support children in mainstream education.
OneScreen helped Rising Sun overcome various challenges through its intuitive touchscreens. OneScreen provides interactive hardware and software solutions, which have immensely improved Rising Sun's teaching ecosystem.
About Rising Sun
In the absence of a special needs centre accessible to any nationality and age in Fujairah, came the idea of a centre combining various therapies and academic support for individuals with conditions or disorders that challenge them in leading normal lives and achieving their potential.
So, in 2014 the Rising Sun was established by Emiri Court Decree No.5 under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Mohammed Al Sharqi, Ruler of Fujairah, with his daughter Sheikha Sarra bint Hamad Al Sharqi serving as Chairperson.
With a team of therapists, teachers, and support staff, the centre aims to provide a safe venue and expertise for children and young adults with special needs.
Children with a wide range of difficulties are supported through its creative methods, which help both body and mind.
During the pandemic when Rising Sun had to go online, it was very difficult to provide sessions with the very limited resources it had.
It was also problematic trying to keep students engaged both during the pandemic and once they returned to the classroom. This was especially difficult when dealing with children of determination who have difficulty with concentration and processing sensory information.
OneScreen has enabled Rising Sun to effectively overcome the above-mentioned challenges. The General Manager, Ms. Sarah, states how OneScreen has helped improve Rising Sun's classrooms.
The screens have particularly been useful for children with lower attention and communication skills. The interactive communication apps with the board have been an amazing tool for working with such children.
The bigger size of the screens and the touchscreen facility is especially useful in improving attention and a variety of learning skills including visual, auditory and tactile skills.
Children are more engaged and show a great deal of interest when using the touchscreen option. It has also given the children more of a visual treat during story time.
Future plans
After the success that Rising Sun had in its classrooms and most of its therapy rooms, it plans to extend the use of the smartboards to other therapists, including its physiotherapist and vocational trainer.
We are excited to collaborate with Rising Sun in the upcoming future and to assist in the advancement of its technological ecosystem.
"There were some initial challenges when implementing the new technology, but the Guru Support team was there to assist us throughout the process. OneScreen Guru was always available to troubleshoot problems and suggest solutions. We appreciate their support and the help provided by OneScreen Guru."

"We have been very happy with our decision to purchase OneScreen. They have been a great addition to our classrooms and therapy rooms. Focus and engagement have definitely improved during sessions and the children love using them. We are planning to order more in the near future for our remaining therapy rooms."