4 Areas Where Schools Are Most Likely to See Improvements from EdTech

February 01, 2023 by Mark Tweedy, Data Storyteller at OneScreen

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EdTech Improves Schools

The first generation of digital native students are now old enough to be teachers themselves. Still, it seems as though the advances in technology are coming faster and faster. EdTech such as interactive whiteboards, laptops, tablets, 3D headsets and ESports competitions can be found in schools across the country. 

Top 4 Areas of Performance Improvement with Technology in the Classroom

When school leaders adopt technology in the classroom, here are the top 4 areas where they are most likely to register performance improvements. 

  1. Engagement. It’s no surprise this is the number one area impacted as interactive digital tools hold student attention like nothing else. Students have grown up on phones and tablets so touchscreens are second nature to them now. Educational games and amazing visual elements create a captivating and dynamic learning environment. Gamification of educational standards like English, math and science immediately strengthens engagement with features such as competition, videos, point systems, award levels, and peer recognition. 
  2. Accessibility. All students deserve equal access to the best learning tools and technology in the classroom makes that a reality. Even if some students aren’t able to access the latest devices at home, they can all excel at using the classroom tech. They can use this time to gain the essential technical skills they will need in an increasingly digital world. EdTech also brings the outside world to them through educational videos, remote learning applications and pre-built lesson materials that broaden the scope of their education. 
  3. Retention. Different students learn differently. Whether they are primarily visual, auditory or tactile learners, students retain information presented to them better when it comes through their preferred channel. Interactive touchscreens deliver visually stunning examples, with clear sound and the ability to interact with the lesson at the touch of a finger. In 2021, The International Journal of Information Technology and Language StudiesThe Journal of reported that “e-learning and virtual environments were the most technologies studied in the field, which have a significant impact on knowledge retention.” 
  4. Collaboration. The modern workforce is team-based. Being able to collaborate with diverse colleagues is just as important as any particular skill set the worker brings to the table. Increasingly, this means remote collaboration in hybrid organizations that span zip codes and time zones. Technological advances in this area not only include hardware that can capture HD images with precision sound, but also the software that simplifies collaborative projects. EShare is one of the most popular applications among teachers because it allows them and their students to record presentations, make notes with their fingers that automatically converted to printed text, and then share that presentation through email with a few swipes. 

EdTech Success on the Horizon

These are just the start, and every school excels in its own way. The one point where they all agree is that EdTech today has created a more exciting and engaging classroom than ever. In the years ahead, look for technological advancements to transform the educational landscape in vibrant and robust directions that we can’t even imagine yet. 

No matter what comes next, OneScreen is here to support schools in making sure their EdTech is fully supported and ever-current. Learn more on our new How to Buy page.

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